Friday, December 11, 2009

It's All About The Heart...

This Christmas and in general, I pray we remember, it's not about the amount, it's about the heart. Are you giving what you have in all it's purity with love? For that is the gift worth giving!!! Please enjoy the beauty of the lyrics as you listen...

The name of this song is "The Gift" by the Music Artist "Aselin Debison" uploaded for viewing by DraFionn. "I couldn't find a decent version of this song so I decided to upload one. Disclaimer: I do not own the pictures. They all belong to their respective owners." DraFionn

Christmas With A Capital C....

Someone shared this with me, and I thought it was great. So, I decided to share it with you. Enjoy...

This is a song by the Christian Music Artist "Go Fish" and has been put together for viewing by ZackMaddie4Eve "I think everyone needs to see this. I'm sick and tired of the whole "happy holidays" thing. Go Fish explains it much better than I ever could. Enjoy.:D" ZackMaddie4Ever