Thursday, December 9, 2010

JESUS - The King Born For You and Me

I desired to put this song on my music list that plays for you while on my Blog Spot, but I was unable to find the selection to share with you. So I thought I'd just go ahead and post it from my find on YouTube. It's a song I've enjoyed at Christmas time since childhood and I hope you enjoy it as well. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Artist: Evie Tornquist
Song: Come On Ring Those Bells
Posted On YouTube By: parsonrobert

Monday, October 25, 2010

AT Home

It is amazing to know we are safely in the hands of God!

As I sit hear writing, thinking of the infinite beauty, love and grace of God, I can't help but be filled to overflowing with emotion. The more I know Him, the more breathtaking He becomes.

I am more at home, just sitting with Him (embraced, enveloped in thought of Him), than in any other way I have ever know. I am truly "at home" when I am with Jesus, my Father, my King... my Savior. He has held me in every moment and in every way imaginable. He is my breathe of life and without Him I would suffocate!

You see, God is sooo much more than just a notion. So much more than just the creator of the universe. He is our all in all our everything! There is not a thing in this life you need that He can not give! He "IS" the Supply!

When you feel like you just can't breathe, He's there to breathe for you and into you. When you feel as though you've been sucker punched and there's know way the wound could ever heal, He consumes you with His love and mends the broken pieces. When you're standing there with your hands thrown up into the air because you just want it all to be over, you just want it all to go away, He's there to hold you, calm the storm and lift you out of the rubble.

There's no way for me to express fully all the ways He's there. But in my experience, He never misses a beat! There's not a moment of our lives He's not there ready, willing and able to do and be all we need. Even in the midst of our constant rowing to keep our lives from taking on water, He's there at the helm reaching out His hands to us, ready to speak to the storm and bear our burdens.

There is nothing we go through, no thought we think, that He does not understand or know about. He created us down to the most intricate molecule, there's nothing about who we are He doesn't know. So when your in need of throwing up your hands or letting out a scream, I encourage you to do it in the safety of His warm embrace. For His arms will never fail you and in Him you will find a rest that takes you home in a way you'll never know without Him!!!

You are at home when in the safety of His arms...

Artist: Chris and Conrad
Song: I'm At Home
Posted on YouTube By: jasonmorantfan

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Beautiful Words

I enjoyed theses beautiful songs when I heard them and wanted to share. I pray you enjoy them and allow them to touch your heart!

Find more artists like Tammy Trent at MySpace Music
SOMEHOW UR by Tammy Trent

Find more artists like Tammy Trent at MySpace Music
SHINE by Tammy Trent

Testimony Of God's Love

What an experience and testimony of Gods love! I simply had to share this beautiful testimony. Enjoy...

Kim Walker - From the band JESUS CULTURE - shares her testimony of how much God loves us.

Posted on YouTube By: Silberlich37

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Fathers Love For Us

How deep the Fathers love for us... if we could just get it. Truly grasp it. What could ever stand in our way?

Nothing, No one, no enemy of any kind could ever touch us, move us or shake us from our belief, trust and faith in who God is; who we are in Him and all His Son bought and paid for us to have and enjoy to the fullest.

So what is it Jesus paid so dearly for, what was it that cost Him such a high price? It is the gift of God's love made available to us!

His love which knows no limit and makes all things possible, is a love so exquisite we sometimes have a hard time excepting it fully. Even as children of God. We get caught up in the lies the enemy tries to feed us. We get down on ourselves felling unworthy as if we need to hide. Then, before we know it, like the flip of a switch we've drifted away from the voice that calls us into truth. The very voice of the Lord that is our strong tower, our reminder of what is real and true, good and just.

You see, The Holy Spirit is given to us for so many reasons. One of which is to revel to us all we are to God and who He sees us to be. For God sees in us such beauty, and usefulness. We have such high value in His eyes and He constantly desires and loves us. We have His heart! And nothing can change that.

God's heart was made ours by the gift of His Son Jesus. Jesus saw to it that we would have the privileges, those same to the heir of the throne, as He does. We are precious and lovely in God's sight because of what Christ Jesus afforded us. As a song once said: "How deep the Fathers love for us. How vast beyond all measure. That He should give His only Son. To make a wretch His treasure." We are God's treasured possession1. He took great pleasure in making sure of that. We were, are and will always be chosen by God for God2!

It is not always an easy thing to totally recognize and accept this truth, but as God has often reminded me. "It is simple."

He has done all the work for us and in return He simply asks us to trust in Him and rest in His love. A love that is divine and endless. A love that is secure and constant. A love that "can not" be shaken! A love so powerful it is deserving of our trust.

Everything God has sought to make available to us He has accomplished through Jesus Christ! There is nothing unavailable to us or out of reach for us.

With that in mind, how could we ever give less than our "full" trust to God?

It is such a splendid thought to know we want and need for "nothing" in God's love!!! I can't express enough how we must take the fullness of His love to heart. The totality of His love must be part of who we are. It must be deeply engraved on our hearts and minds if we are to truly have the desires of our heart and the level of victory God desires for us.

We can do "nothing" apart from His love! We are easy prey to the enemy who "seeks to steal, kill and destroy us3" without the cover of God's love written upon us. Which is why we must recognize and choose to accept God's love in its fullness through childlike faith. A faith that simply says I trust in You. I trust in Your love. I trust in who You are and what You've done for me.

For we are His sweet and precious children and to honor Him is to bring Him joy through acceptance of His love.

And who could refuse such a love? It is His love and His love alone that is far reaching. It cries out to hold you, to bare your burdens, wipe away your tiers and give you joy, peace and strength; all while reminding you of who He sees you to be. A view and vantage point we all need to see from!

You are valued and beautiful in God's sight!!!

1.) From (Deuteronomy 7:6)
"For you are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth." NKJV 

2.) From (Colossians 1:16)
"For by Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities - all things were created through Him and for Him." ESV

3.) From (John 10:10) 
"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." NKJV 

Song Title: How Deep The Fathers Love For Us
Artist: Sarah Sadler

Posted on YouTube By: fanofcanucks

Saturday, September 4, 2010

An Exprection Of God's Grace

When I found this song it blessed my heart and so I'm sharing it with you. I pray the words speak to you, they will most certainly touch your heart as they did mine. Enjoy!

Music Artist: "True Worshipers"
Song Tile: "You Are My Father"
This music video was found on YouTube and all rights belong to owner.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Eternal Treasure or Temperal Plesure

Our houses aren't homes because of there facade, appearance, size or even the items they may contain. Our houses are homes because of the time, love, care and attention we put into the family of people who live in them.

We could live in a tent or a dirt floor apartment that could feel like a castle. Just as easily we could live in a mansion or brand new home equipped with all the latest gadgets that feels like a dark whole in the wall. Each scenario comes down to the spirit and nature of our heart and the value we place on it. So it is with our lives.

We have a choice to fill our lives with eternal treasures or temporal pleasures. Which begs the question, what in your life revels your value?

Are we living for this life or eternity? Are we acquiring things that are of temporal or eternal value? Which house are we building up, our earthly home or our heavenly home?

You see, it's all about where and in what we place our valued time, love and attention for there also will your treasures be. *See (Matthew 6:19-21)

The enemy would love to keep you focused on the things this world values. If he can do that, you'll spend your time, love, and attention on those things you think you need to make your life feel comfortable and "look" valued in this world.

The enemy has lied to us via television, magazines, radio, all of which say: "You need your house to look this way, you need you car to look that way, you need to have this, you need to own that, do this, be that."

The problem is, if we fall into the enemies trap we begin to value the wrong things and treasure that which has NO eternal value. Once that occurs, we give the enemy an advantage.

With us busily running in the wrong direction we stop valuing what God has called us to value and we become of no threat to our enemy. We stop using our gifts and talents for what they where meant for. And if we stop moving toward eternity, what are we moving toward?

The enemy has no reason to be threatened by a child of God who doesn't value the things of eternity because their life just becomes another temporal pleasure.

If we, God's chosen elite, "aren't" running the race with intention, placing value on the things God has called us to do, than we will reap what we've sown "nothing". Heavenly treasures are stored up for those who seek after the things of God and pursue after them until they are accomplished. To those will great heavenly blessings flow.

We could work to gain this or that and it might make us happy for a time, but the reality is nothing we acquire of earthly value is lasting!

It is solely important to keep our mind and eyes focused on eternal goals. We have to choose a perspective that is lasting.

The truth is, no matter weather we realize it or not, we're making choices every day that determine weather or not we're storing our treasures up in heaven.

God has entrusted us with talents, gifts and anointings that have the power to impact the lives of those around us. If we aren't properly using those tools, as God has designed,  then we "are not" utilizing our lives in such a way that will sow good seed and ultimately store-up eternal treasures.

Our time is short and we must make decisions that count towards eternity!

You see, God has equipped and entrusted us with gifts, talents and anointings that one day we will stand accountable for using or not using; and we will gain eternal, Heavenly treasures accordingly.

As a child of God we are already promised eternity in Heaven because Jesus bought our eternal salvation. But I hope that makes you desire more of God and His plan for your life. I pray that makes you yearn to utilize every bit of your life, every breathe you have, every gifting, talent and anointing God has placed in your life; simply because you love Him and desire to say thank you to Him through the honor of allowing Him to be seen and felt in and through you!

Please understand, each of us, individually, are responsible for the use or non-use of the abilities (gifts, talents and anointings) God has uniquely entrusted and equipped us with to further the Kingdom, His Kingdom, while here on this earth.

God created each of us out of love, with a purpose. So, what will we choose? Will we live a life that is caught up with working toward and receiving that which is temporal or of eternal value?

Just as Jesus reminds us in *(Matthew 6:19-21) "Don't store up treasures here on earth, where they can be eaten by moths and get rusty, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in Heaven. where they will never become moth-eaten or rusty and where they will be safe from thieves. Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be." Paul also reminds us in (1Timothy 6:17-19) "Tell those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which will soon be gone. But their trust should be in the living God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and should give generously to those in need, always being ready to share with others whatever God has given them. By doing this they will be storing up their treasures as a good foundation for the future so that they may take hold of real life."

We must put our time and effort into acquiring eternal treasures. And in order to do that we must take time to stop and evaluate what or who we are making ourselves useful to and for. We must recognize, determine, where our treasures are positioned.

No matter where you find yourself upon evaluation, you can choose here and now, from this point on, to build up eternal treasures.

Make a decision starting today to use the gifts, talents and anointings God has placed within you. Begin praying for God to change your perspective. Ask God to give you strength to make right decisions with the time you've been given. Stand up against the enemy who wants to steal your eternal treasures! For the Bible tells us in (James 4:7) " Humble yourselves before God. Resist the Devil (your enemy), and he must (he will) flee from you." Most of all we must recognize "God will never leave or forsake (abandon) us" along our journey. (From: Hebrews 13:5, Joshua 1:5, Deuteronomy 31:6 and; Genesis 28:15)

When we seek after God as His children, we are given the strength to carry out His plans for our lives. He desires the best for us, and for us to have in abundance. His abundance is far more than just the physical wants, needs and pleasures, but spiritual abundance, that of joy, laughter, peace, comfort, hope, strength etc.; all of which have far greater value than anything this world can ever offer.

My prayer is that each of us will take to heart what Paul said in (1Corinthians 9:24-27) "Remember that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets a prize. You also must run in such a way that you will win. All athletes practice strict self-control. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step. I am not like a boxer who misses his punches. I discipline my body lake an athlete,  training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified."

Let us not strive for the latest and greatest of things here on earth, but move toward eternal blessings, heavenly rewards and spiritual joys. Out of pure love for our Savior and Heavenly Father may each of us find ourselves bringing Him honor, joy and pleasure through joyfully, and with great desire, building up eternal treasures. Lets enjoy the honor and privilege of being chosen to run this race, and run it well!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How Amazing It Is To Love

Praise the Lord for His love and for teaching us how to love.

It is by His grace we are capable of loving. If He had not first loved us we would have never been able to love (From - 1 John 4:19). It is amazing to know we love, because He loves us. We display love and desire love because He created us in His very own image. And the image of God "Is Love"!

How great it is to know His love and to be chosen to enjoy it!

When we recognize what His love did for us through His son Jesus and receive it, the most amazing thing happens.  We are given full access to His love and all it entails. We become forever branded by His love and nothing, no-one can take that away from us!

It is fitting and awe-inspiring that the totality and fullness of His love can not be completely expressed. It is also phenomenal that His love is so simple and individual to each of us. I am certain, that if we could truly and completely express God's love it would take far more time than we have and far more words than we have vocabulary. Yet, in His grace He gives us so many ways to express, speak of and share His love with not only those around us, but more amazingly, with Him.

As often as we'd like, we can spend time loving on God Himself! I know of no greater thing than to be able to share intimate moments of  love and thankfulness with our Heavenly Father, The Lover Of Our Souls!

Song: "You're The One" Artist: Chris & Conrad

Thursday, January 21, 2010

God Is The "Sunrise" To Our Journey

There is such beauty in the journey we take. Without it we would not have the opportunity to know our Father so deeply and intimately.

It is in the moments along our journey that cause us to seek God's face and draw nearer to Him. That is why I Praise God for the moments of brokenness, the midnight hour, the deserts and the valleys. Those moments bring us to deeper levels in Him and those are places and times I would not trade for anything!

When all is said and done each part of the journey brings us closer to Him, makes us stronger and more beautiful than when we began.

God truly does pursue1 us and in all things He is there2. He is the morning light3, the "sunrise" of our lives. Joy does come in the morning4 and it is always His face we see that brings us peace, joy and contentment!

I pray you enjoy this song as I did and allow the lyrics to speak to your heart. May God Bless your heart and your journey. For in Him it will be successful5 and something of beauty to hold onto!

1.) "Surely Your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."(Psalm 23:6)

2.) "I will never fail you. I will never forsake (abandon) you."(Hebrews 13:5) "I command you, be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."(Joshua 1:9) "Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord your God is the one who will go before you(ahead of you) He will be with you; He will neither fail you nor forsake you (He will not abandon you)."(Deuteronomy 31:8)

3.) "Jesus said to the people, "I am the light of the world..."(John 8:12)  "Life itself is in God, and this life gives light to everyone. The light shines through the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it."(John 1:4-5)

4.) "Weeping may go on all night, but joy comes with the morning."(Psalm 30:5)

5.) "Commit your work to the Lord, and then your plans will succeed."(Proverbs 16:3)  "Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you."(Psalm 37:5)  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths."(Proverbs 3:5-6)

Song: "Sunrise"
Artist: "Nichole Nordeman"

If I had the chance
To go back again
Take a different road, bear a lighter load
Tell an easy story

I would walk away
With my yesterdays
And I would not trade what is broken for beauty only

Every valley
Every bitter chill
Made me ready to climb back up the hill
And find that . . .

You are sunrise
You are blue skies
How would I know the morning
If I knew not midnight?

You're my horizon
You're the light of a new dawn
So thank You, thank You
That after the long night, You are sunrise

There's a moment when
Faith caves in
There's a time when every soul is certain God is gone

But every shadow is evidence of sun
And every tomorrow holds out hope for us
For every one of us

You are sunrise
You are blue skies
How would I know the morning
If I knew not midnight?

You're my horizon
You're the light of a new dawn
So thank You, thank You
That after the long night, You are sunrise

You alone will shine
You alone can resurrect this heart of mine

You are sunrise
You are blue skies
How would I know the morning
If I knew not midnight?

You're my horizon
You're the light of a new dawn
So thank You, thank You
That after the long night, You are sunrise

You are sunrise

Posted By:15disney16 "Nichole Nordeman Brave & Sunrise Recollection Of The Best March 2007" - myspace

Monday, January 4, 2010

Plugged-In To The "Power Source"

I pray everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year!

I believe God has much more in store for each of us this year than we can imagine.

My prayer is that we will take time each day to talk with God and spend time quietly seeking His voice.

When we take time out each day to get alone with God it makes the greatest difference in our day. By setting time aside for Him, we will be able to stay plugged in and get "fully charged" by Jesus Christ, our "Power Source"!

God will forever be the power and strength we need. Without Him we are like a cell phone without a charge, useless and powerless for the Kingdom of God.

By God's grace, when we seek after Him, He charges us up with His power and strength. He also supplies us with all the other giftings, talents and abilities we need to walk a "fully charged" life!

May each of us take the time to stop and plug-in to the "Power Source" of Christ Jesus as we embark on this next year. Just think what God would do if we were "all" walking a life "fully charged" by the one and only "Power Source" each day. There would be no stopping the amount of miracles God would do!!! When we lend ourselves to Christ, for His use, the possibilities of what He will do are endless.

I encourage each of us to lend ourselves to our Heavenly Father to become the useful, "fully charged" vessels He designed us to be. I know the moment we do, we will enjoy seeing the movement of His handy work in and through our lives!!!

Let's plug-in to the "Power Source" and see what He will do....